Draw as you would have drawn when you were 2 years old, draw believing its not creating any obligation, draw as if you dont have to prove anything to anybody, draw without contemplating whether it would be appreciated, draw believing this is the best use of time, draw as if its going to make you the most loved person in this world, draw till there's no space to draw....
All you need is a piece of paper, a smooth and dark ink pen/gel pen and thats it! The final result is a Beautiful Zentangle/ Zendoodle. DH saw this for the first time and was not ready to accept it is all hand drawn by me! He thought it is something printed.

Is this what you too did at the back of your notebooks in the boring lectures at school and college??? ;) Made the cartoon of some of the teachers?
I loved to scribble during these lectures, sometimes sharing some funny chit chats with friends or sometime even playing tic tac toe!! What did you do??