I was very pleased when I saw my Liebster Blog Award. Thank you
Angelin for thinking of me. I am so sorry for posting it so late..but with lots of stuff going on in life...this just had to wait..
The idea of the Liebster Blog Award is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs. This helps to spread knowledge and readership.
To accept the award, you must:
1) Link back to the person who gave it and thank them for thinking of you.
2) Post the award to your blog.
3) Give the award to 5 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) that you appreciate and value.
4) Leave a comment on the blogs of the five people you have chosen to let them know.
So... It is time to pass this this award to:
- My sweet sister Jyoti of
My Craft Work.- Another of my sweet sister (u c the award shd be in the family ;))Sonal of
Palate corner- Megha of
Kala Veethika- Nupur of
Nupur Creatives- Smita of
Kreativity and me- Mansi of
Creative vision by mansiThanks for stopping by..