Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Four years of blogging

Hi friends

Thank you so much for participating in my giveaway. On this day , 4 years ago, I started my little blog to save on creations online. Had never thought it would become so much a part of me. Had a wonderful journey so far with lovely company from you dear friends.

Lets go to the winner without much ado..

1. Neha Upreti
2. Reusing Cards & Quilling
3. MEGHA Jain
4. Shalu
5. Radhika
6. Suman Pandit
7. Shylaa Shree
8. Shilpa Nagaonkar
9. Jasleen
10. Suchi
11. Sindhu

Congrats Shalu for winning the giveaway. Do send me your address at lavina.agarwal@gmail.com so that I can send you the goodie bag :)

Leaving you with the pictures from my humble garden

home grown corriander

aloe vera and a flower plant..forot the name..

Little miss watering the plants

HAppy comparing her green water can with the one in her favorite book!


  1. Congrats on your blogging journey Lavina and so precious your little gardener is !
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts Kids Projects

  2. congrats on completing four years in the Bloggy world. not getting much time to blog hop but that surely is something I miss a lot.love to your little cutie pie. she has grown a lot.

  3. Congrats Shalu.....enjoy your goodies. Lovely giveaway Lavina :)

  4. Congrats my dear on 4 years of crafting and blogging!!:) May you be filled with same joy and enthusiasm always in the future.
    That's nice that your daughter is enjoying gardening. Hope she continues to do so even when grown up. My daughter lost her interest in gardening.

  5. Wow ..wow...I won.. yayy...!! Thanks you so much Lavina for this Give away and a very Happy 4th blogloversary dear .!! Mailed you my info...so sorry for the delayed reply !!


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