Sunday, April 20, 2014

Stone painting

Hi Friends

Sharing today a lovely activity that me and my little one did. I found some lovely smooth stones in the flower pots in our balcony, and immediately wanted to try this amazing craft whch i had seen on the net. Used acrylic paints for this. Gave two base layers to the stone in which my daughter helped for the most part. Below is how they looked after two coats. The best part of acylic colors is that it dries fast!!

Then we painted the different designs depending on the shape of the stone. We made the ladybug, flower, owl, love print,  fish, rainbow, bird , some free hand designs . You see some of the beautiful abstract paintings, that done by my proud of her!!
After all the stones were painted, applied a layer of mod podge for the lovely glossy finish!

We painted the stones in batches and this activity was our night time ritual just before sleeping, which my daughter looked forward to from evening itself. I would make her drink milk while painting. As soon as I come from office she would want to do stone painting and hence demanding milk ;)

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  1. Wow Lavina! This is so cool! It must be making your garden plants stand out ..great garden embellies! Loving them so much..

    And what a cool idea to trick your baby to drink milk. You are certainly one fun loving Mum who know how to keep her lil one happy and healthy ! Kudos!

  2. These hand painted stones look Lovely...n cute..They will make fun paper-weight too :)

  3. These are awesome Lavina. Though supposed to be simple I know how difficult it actually is as we did try this at home and gave up !!

  4. Cute decorative stones!! I am sure it must be super fun for both of u.

  5. They look so lovely and attractive !!:) great job by both of you !!

  6. These are really pretty Lavina...loved all of them!


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